- Для бёдер
- Для височной зоны
- Для восстановления объёма и контура лица
- Для губ
- Для декольте
- Для живота
- Для интимных зон
- Для коррекции формы лица
- Для лба
- Для лица
- Для мочек ушей
- Для носогубных складок
- Для носослёзной борозды
- Для периорбитальной области
- Для подбородка
- Для рук
- Для скул
- Для тела
- Для улучшения тона кожи
- Для шеи
- Для ягодиц
- На основе гидроксиапатита кальция
- На основе полимолочной кислоты
- От дряблости кожи
- От морщин вокруг глаз
- От невыраженных скул
- От тёмных кругов под глазами
- При периоральных морщинах
- При птозе лица
- Против гусиных лапок
- Против мелких морщин
- Против постакне, рубцов, шрамов
- С лидокаином
Peelings: types, application and effectiveness

Peeling is a cosmetic procedure aimed at removing keratinised skin cells, to even out skin tone and improve texture. It stimulates cell renewal and helps fight skin imperfections.
Types of peels
1. mechanical peels
Based on physical action on the skin using abrasive particles or tools.
Popular Methods:
- Scrubs – contain hard particles to exfoliate.
- Microdermabrasion is a hardware procedure using crystals or diamond tips.
- Gommage is a soft peel that rolls off the surface of the skin.
2. chemical peels
Use acids to remove the top layer of skin and stimulate skin renewal.
Popular Views:
- Superficial peeling – affects the upper layer of the epidermis (almond, lactic, glycolic).
- Midline peel – affects deeper layers of the skin (salicylic, trichloroacetic).
- Deep peeling – carried out in the clinic using phenol.
3. device peels
Use modern technology to exfoliate and rejuvenate the skin.
Popular Methods:
- Laser peel – exposure to a laser beam to remove keratinised cells.
- Ultrasonic peeling – skin cleansing using ultrasonic waves.
- Gas-liquid peeling is a non-contact method using an oxygen jet and solutions.

Application of peels
Peels are used in cosmetology for:
- Skinrejuvenation – smoothing wrinkles and improving skin tone.
- Acne and post-acnetreatment – pore cleansing and scar lightening.
- Evening of skin tone – removal of age spots.
- Stimulating cell renewal – improving skin texture.
Effectiveness and safety of peels
The right choice of peel and the professional performance of the procedure ensure safe and effective skin renewal.
Possible side effects:
- Redness and flaking of the skin.
- A burning or tightnesssensation.
- Temporary hypersensitivity of the skin.
Before peeling , it is recommended to consult a cosmetologist to choose the most suitable technique.
Peels are an effective way to renew and rejuvenate the skin. Regularly performed under the supervision of a specialist helps to achieve smooth, fresh and healthy skin.