- Для бёдер
- Для височной зоны
- Для восстановления объёма и контура лица
- Для губ
- Для декольте
- Для живота
- Для интимных зон
- Для коррекции формы лица
- Для лба
- Для лица
- Для мочек ушей
- Для носогубных складок
- Для носослёзной борозды
- Для периорбитальной области
- Для подбородка
- Для рук
- Для скул
- Для тела
- Для улучшения тона кожи
- Для шеи
- Для ягодиц
- На основе гидроксиапатита кальция
- На основе полимолочной кислоты
- От дряблости кожи
- От морщин вокруг глаз
- От невыраженных скул
- От тёмных кругов под глазами
- При периоральных морщинах
- При птозе лица
- Против гусиных лапок
- Против мелких морщин
- Против постакне, рубцов, шрамов
- С лидокаином
Lipolytics: types, application and effectiveness

Lipolytics are drugs designed to break down fat deposits and remove them from the body naturally. They are actively used in cosmetology to correct the figure and eliminate localised fat deposits.
Types of lipolytics
1. direct lipolytics
These substances destroy fat cells(adipocytes) at the cellular level, promoting their excretion through the lymphatic system.
Popular Direct Lipolytics:
- Phosphatidylcholine is the main substance for breaking down fats.
- Sodiumdeoxycholate – enhances the action of phosphatidylcholine.
2. indirect lipolytics
They improve metabolic processes, promote accelerated fat burning, but do not destroy fat cells.
Popular Indirect Lipolytics:
- Caffeine – activates the breakdown of fat.
- Carnitine – accelerates the transport of fats to be converted into energy.
Application of lipolytics
Lipolytics are actively used in aesthetic medicine for:
- Face and body contourcorrection – fat removal from the chin, abdomen, thighs.
- Celluliteelimination – improving skin condition.
- Improving skin elasticity – stimulation of collagenogenesis.

Lipolytics in cosmetology
In cosmetology lipolytic preparations are administered by mesotherapy or injections. The most popular procedures are:
- Lipolytic injections – spot injection of the drug into problem areas.
- Hardware techniques – a combination of lipolytics with ultrasound, RF-lifting.
The most commonly used lipolytics in cosmetology: phosphatidylcholine, sodium deoxycholate, carnitine.
Efficacy and safety of lipolytics
Lipolytic treatments have a pronounced effect, but require a professional approach. Possible side effects:
Lipolytics side effects:
- Swelling and redness of the skin
- Painful sensations at the injection site
- Allergic reactions
Before using lipolytics it is necessary to consult a doctor to avoid complications.
Lipolytics is an effective method of correcting localised fat deposits. With a competent approach and supervision of a specialist, it is possible to achieve pronounced results without surgical intervention.