- Для бёдер
- Для височной зоны
- Для восстановления объёма и контура лица
- Для губ
- Для декольте
- Для живота
- Для интимных зон
- Для коррекции формы лица
- Для лба
- Для лица
- Для мочек ушей
- Для носогубных складок
- Для носослёзной борозды
- Для периорбитальной области
- Для подбородка
- Для рук
- Для скул
- Для тела
- Для улучшения тона кожи
- Для шеи
- Для ягодиц
- На основе гидроксиапатита кальция
- На основе полимолочной кислоты
- От дряблости кожи
- От морщин вокруг глаз
- От невыраженных скул
- От тёмных кругов под глазами
- При периоральных морщинах
- При птозе лица
- Против гусиных лапок
- Против мелких морщин
- Против постакне, рубцов, шрамов
- С лидокаином
Fillers: types, application and effectiveness

Fillers are injectables used for contouring, to fill wrinkles, increase tissue volume and correct facial contours. They help to restore lost volume and improve the appearance of the skin without surgery.
Types of fillers
1. hyaluronic fillers
Based on hyaluronic acid, which moisturises the skin and stimulates collagen production.
- Natural Effect.
- Completely resorbed within 6-18 months.
- Safety and low risk of allergies.
2. collagen fillers
They contain animal or biosynthetic collagen, which helps the skin to become firmer.
- Blends well with natural fabrics.
- Provide instant results.
- Require periodic updating.
3 Stabilised fillers ( PMMA and PAAG based )
They contain polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) or polyacrylamide gel (PAAG) for a long-lasting effect.
- Long-lasting results (up to several years).
- They are used for deep contouring.
- Suitable for volume restoration.

Application of fillers
Fillers are used for:
- Corrections of nasolabial folds.
- Lipaugmentation and lip shape correction.
- Cheekbone and chinmodelling.
- Rejuvenation of the skin of the hands and neck.
Effectiveness and safety of fillers
Fillers give fast and visible results, but it is important to choose quality products and have the procedureperformed by a qualified specialist.
Possible side effects:
- Swelling and redness at injection sites.
- Allergic Reactions.
- Formation of nodules or seals.
Before using fillers, it is recommended to consult with a cosmetic doctor to select the optimal composition.
Fillers are a safe and effective way to rejuvenate and correct appearance without surgical intervention. When properly selected and competently administered, they allow you to achieve a natural and harmonious result.